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To Sanitize or not to Sanitize that is the Question

In the crazy year we have lived the word sanitize has become a broken record of sorts. Played out over and over on your TV, your social media, bill boards, in the stores where hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial wipes and cleaners are front and center running rampant in an almost psychological way. BUT... is it really all that healthy for us to be so "sanitized"? OR by using all these things are we REALLY all that "sanitized"? AND... what is the real definition of "sanitize" for our bodies and our surroundings anyway? Maybe we are looking at it in such a basic way that we are missing the point.

Yes, sanitation has come about over the years and has thwarted plagues, and taken down illnesses, and yes even made us easier to be around smell wise hee hee, but how much sanitation is too much and how much is just a waste of time or even both sides of that coin? Well, from a natural health stand point looking at our bodies and the world around us as a whole there are many things that our bodies depend on for health and many things that depend on our bodies having those things for them to thrive as well. The more "sterile" we begin to make things, the more unhealthy we are actually making the environment and we are inviting even worse invaders to try and come in. As many bad bacteria that are lurking about there are that many or more good bacteria just waiting to assist you.

The number of people talking to me about their skin issues now is flabbergasting. Eczema and psoriasis is flaring not just due to stress and anxiety but because of the imbalances we are creating everywhere. Simple, gentle Castile soap and warm water to wash your hands is sufficient. There is no need to then pour on store bought hand sanitizer even if it claims to contain aloe and be gentle... I assure you... it is not. Those bleach wipes you are wiping everything down with, those are absorbing into your skin too unless you are constantly wearing protective gloves. Oh, and those rubber, neoprene, or whatever gloves, well, they aren't allowing your skin to properly breath and therefore bacteria gets out of balance and wrecks havoc once again. The chemicals we are using are also now in the air. The buildings we are in are in permeated with the chemical particles of all these smells and we are breathing them in. No, they are not sanitizing our lungs that's for sure. All of this is causing an issue with our microbiomes.

Our microbiomes are made up of trillions of microbes that live in balance and include bacteria, viruses and fungi. Sounds gross? Well think of that beautiful rose bush outside. What happens if there is too much or

too little good soil that contains it's special microbiome? Do you think it's special needs are "clean"? There is a need for nourishment at a microscopic level that balances out hormones, helps production of vitamins and other things that effect our mood and help boost our immune systems naturally. We have become a society of indoor dwellers all too often. Whether it is working, classes, or hiding away from the virus in our own home, we have created more petri dishes to become a part of. Simple things we could work on would be to open those blinds and curtains to let the sunshine in. The sunshine provides us with natural vitamin D as well as aids in fending off viruses. Getting better filtration in the buildings we are in is another good help, though it could be costly. Live plants... bring the outdoors in! I know not all of us are made to play in the dirt and that is OK. Though even just a nice walk outside boosts your microbiome greatly, or even sitting outside in a lawn chair. Live plants cleanse the air and create healthy environments indoors too. If well properly care of, you can also tell a lot about the health of your indoor environment by how the plants are doing. These simple things sound like hooey, but they can help a lot. Even bringing in small water features with a few water plants creates another microbiome help. There are many small things that add up to big things to keep your environment more healthy and the bonus is they can also boost your mood, which guess what??? That also helps your microbiome flourish too. Recently there was an article written on a study done about the Covid virus and the workplace. It is a pretty interesting read. You may want to check it out.

Lastly, we need to rethink what the guidelines are for sanitizing. What products have to be used. There is a website you can go to to see just where some of these CDC recommended cleaning and sanitizing products rank as far as safety is concerned and it is quite alarming. It's time to look at how we are sanitizing and disinfecting everything a little more closely and take some time to do some research and make more informed decisions to protect our long term health and well being on more levels than just one virus.

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