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Activated Charcoal

What is activated charcoal and why should I use it? When we think of charcoal we think of cooking on the grill or over an open fire, or maybe even the filter for your fish aquarium... well... activated charcoal, while yes it is in aquarium filters, is not the type of charcoal you cook your steak over. Web MD states " Activated charcoal” is similar to common charcoal, but is made especially for use as a medicine. To make activated charcoal, manufacturers heat common charcoal in the presence of a gas that causes the charcoal to develop lots of internal spaces or “pores.” These pores help activated charcoal “trap” chemicals. "

Activated charcoal should be a staple in every home, whether in a jar of loose powder or in capsule form it is an excellent multipurpose item. Let's look at what all wonderful things activated charcoal can do. Activated charcoal is used to treat poisonings, it can reduce intestinal gas, can lower cholesterol levels, helps prevent a hangover or gets rid of alcohol poisoning, and can treat bile flow problems during pregnancy. It can be used in the treatment of food poisoning, however, if you are taking activated charcoal internally be sure to drink at least 12 glasses of water to help flush it through your system. It is also great to use in natural facial washes to absorb and trap the daily chemicals our skin comes in contact with as well as trap and help clean away acne causing bacteria. Want whiter teeth? That's right, it does that as well... just rub onto your teeth and allow to sit for a few minutes and then brush away with your normal toothpaste. It actually gives a double whammy here because it clears away the bacteria and such that causes our gums to bleed. That's right, it can actually help in the healing of your gums. Be careful when using the powder because it can stain. Activated charcoal is also great in the treatment of bites and stings as it traps away the venom and allows pain and itching to subside. The best way to apply it in this instance is to mix with a carrier oil, preferably coconut oil to help it to absorb and cover with a bandage. Reapply several times. Obviously, if it is something like a snake or poisonous spider, you want to seek medical treatment even though this is very effective at keeping things at bay until then. It is also great to use as a digestive cleanse as it travels through your system collecting all the heavy metals and toxins that damage your immune system and create oxidative damage. Be sure to follow this up with pre and probiotics to get all the flora back in balance and keep your system at optimal working levels. People have even had great luck relieving muscle and joint pain by using activated charcoal in their digestive cleanse.

Want to know more about natural ways to assist yours and your family's health? Contact me about a consultation. Remember, as always this is for educational purposes only and not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disorder or disease. Always consult with your regular physician before jumping in to any program.

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