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*The Virus* any virus and beyond

While our world has changed over the past year and science and technologies have tried hard to figure out and wade through everything to make a plan that works properly, no one can totally agree on what works and what doesn't. And there will never be one single thing that works completely for every single person. It has to be a variety and as unique as you and your environment is.

Why? As an herbalist, it is bled into our very core that each person's body is unique and each person's environment is also unique... making their microbiomes completely and totally different and their needs different when it comes to balancing their bodies to function properly to fend off

invaders. We have become a society addicted to sugar, addicted to processed foods, addicted to chemicals, fake sugars and all these things have brought different levels of disease into our bodies. Convenience, cheapness and quickness have taken over good health. Believe me, I am not blaming pointing fingers at you, as I am just as addicted to crap and have to make conscious choices daily to do better. Baby steps are better than no steps. This means that while for many of us we will fend of the virus as we have many others, some will have it trigger other responses by our bodies. This makes it a tricky invader. It isn't necessarily *The Virus* itself that we should be worried about. Our bodies immune response is to eradicate invaders, however, what we don't take into consideration is that we have not taken care of our bodies for generations and therefore we now have to look deeply into supports to bring ourselves back into alignment to support ourselves and bring our bodies back into some semblance of order to help us balance out the invaders. I had the privilege several months back to be invited to help review a study on the Corona virus and how to fight it with a healthy life style approach.

These herbs, vitamins, and minerals provided by the Great Creator have withstood the test of time and even man's attempt to try and "make them better" or in some cases "get rid of them" because they were considered a "nuisance" they persevered and still provide healing and balance for our bodies. We can also out sanitize our microbiomes to the point of causing more harm. We actually need some of the bacterias and viruses out there for our bodies to balance. Anti-bacterial soaps/bleaches can cause our skin to dry out and good bacteria to die off allowing invaders like yeasts and bad bacteria/viruses such as e. coli, Staph etc to begin invading causing break outs of eczema and psoriasis. Chemical sprays, bleach etc effect the aveoli in our lungs for one. The corrosive properties damage them as you are inhaling, which also means that stinging in your sinuses yep, also a little damage. Releasing bleach in to our water system is a whole other subject of it's own. We have to learn to balance our cleanliness and look for healthier ways to do so... refer back to my previous blogs on cleaning.

Now that I got off on a rabbit track let's get back to the original thought... what can we do to help support a healthy lifestyle to lessen an attack from a virus? Check out the pdf that I helped review last year.

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